Djembe Drum Buying Guide

How to choose an African djembe drum


Finding the right djembe to suit your needs can seem overwhelming when there's so many options to choose from.  

To make things easier, you might be interested to check out our djembe drum buying guide if you haven't already.  It's full of useful information on:

  • How to find the best size djembe for you.
  • What you need to know about the ropes.
  • The various drum shell wood types and their characteristics.
  • Different djembe skin types.
  • How much to budget for a djembe drum.

This will quickly get you up to speed with all the essentials.

From there, you'll be well prepared to navigate through all the options in our online djembe shop and find it easier to narrow down a favourite.

As always, if you need any extra help finding the right djembe for you, feel free to get in touch or pop into the shop and have a chat with our Master Drum Craftsman, Mady Keita, for professional advice and all-round djembe wisdom.



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